Killiehuntly Farmhouse & Cottages are part of the Wildland family of properties. Wildland is an organisation dedicated to a 200 year vision of hope for Highland landscapes. to date we have planted over four million trees, and created the condition for countless more to regenerate themselves. By staying at Killiehuntly, you are directly contributing to that mission.
“Once destroyed, nature’s beauty cannot be purchased at any price.”

Conservation is just a word; a word that barely encompasses the breadth of work necessary to restore these lands to their former richness, or the scale of our commitment to a more sustainable future.
Our big open spaces are disappearing at an alarming rate. The natural beauty of the Scottish Highlands has long been at risk. At Wildland, we believe in giving nature a chance to fight back.
At Wildland we believe in nature’s own capacity to restore itself and appreciate that this is a project extending far beyond our own lifetimes. The regeneration of this wilderness will demand timescales more likely to be enjoyed in our children’s lifetime than in ours, but we know that we can help create the conditions necessary to allow natural processes to gain a foothold.
On land where our deer management is in hand, the regeneration of habitat and woodland has been nothing short of remarkable. The heart soars when the rebirth of these lands sees wildlife return. Sounds of rivers rushing and a sight of summer swallows swooping all suggests a soul stirring with eager vitality.